- Arcade
- Bar
- Cafeteria
- Childcare
- Coffee Shop
- Customer Service
- Customer Service & Ticket Booth
- Fitness Center
- Indoor Ice Arena
- Indoor Waterpark
- Nordic Center
- Recreational Center
- Rental
- Rental & Repair
- Restaurant
- Ski & Ride School
- Snack Bar
- Spa
- Ticket Booth
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Ski Patrol
- Guest Services
- Shuttle Service
- Parking
- Food/Drink
- Retail Shop
- Hotel
- Terrain Park
- Intermediate Glade
- Advanced Glade
- Triple
- Quad
- Aerial Tramway
- Double
- Moving Carpet
Terrain Park Zone
XC Trails
Beginner Zone
Uphill Travel Route
Area Boundary
Area of Gravest Concern *
Coffee Shop
Customer Service
Customer Service & Ticket Booth
Fitness Center
Indoor Ice Arena
Indoor Waterpark
Nordic Center
Recreational Center
Rental & Repair
Ski & Ride School
Snack Bar
Ticket Booth
Chalet MeadowBeginnerOpenGroomed
Deer RunBeginnerOpenGroomed
Grammy JayBeginnerOpenGroomed
Harmony LaneBeginnerOpenGroomed
Kangaroo TrailBeginnerOpenGroomed
Perry Merril AveBeginnerOpenGroomed
Progression TerrainBeginnerOpenGroomed
Beginner teaching terrain, it is also where one of our beginner terrain parks, TBL Area, is located
Queen's HighwayBeginnerOpenGroomed
Raccoon RunBeginnerOpenGroomed
The BoulevardBeginnerOpenGroomed
Alligator AlleyIntermediateOpenGroomed
Angel's WiggleIntermediateOpenGroomed
Cat WalkIntermediateOpenGroomed
Heaven's RoadIntermediateOpen
Hell's CrossingIntermediateOpenGroomed
Lower Can AmIntermediateOpenGroomed
Lower ExhibitionIntermediateOpen
Lower Goat RunIntermediateOpenGroomed
Lower Milk RunIntermediateOpenGroomed
Lower River QuaiIntermediateOpenGroomed
Lower Ullr's DreamIntermediateOpenGroomed
Middle Can AmIntermediateOpen
Middle NorthwayIntermediateOpenGroomed
Paradise MeadowsIntermediateOpenGroomed
Poma LineIntermediateOpenGroomed
Rabbit TrailIntermediateOpenGroomed
St. George's PrayerIntermediateOpen
The FlashIntermediateOpen
Ullr's DreamIntermediateOpenGroomed
Upper Goat RunIntermediateOpenGroomed
Upper NorthwayIntermediateOpenGroomed
Green BeretAdvancedOpen
Green Mountain BoysAdvancedOpenGroomed
Closed to public for Ski Racing
Hotshot DerickAdvancedOpenGroomed
A fun series of tree islands formed by the groomed trails cutting through the woods, Kokomo serves as a perfect intro for new glade skiers and riders. Plus, it offers a pleasant alternative to the flatter run-out at the bottom of Ullrs’ Dream.
Lift LineAdvancedOpen
Lower NorthwayAdvancedOpenGroomed
Lower Northwest PassageAdvancedOpenGroomed
Lower U.N.AdvancedOpen
Middle Northwest PassageAdvancedClosed
Mont L'EntrepideAdvancedOpenGroomed
Closed to public for Ski Racing.
The JetAdvancedOpenGroomed
The Jet LowerAdvancedOpenGroomed
The WillardAdvancedOpen
Upper Can AmAdvancedOpen
Upper ExhibitionAdvancedOpen
Upper Exhibition closed at top of Goat S-Turns, Upper Exhibition below Goat S-Turns open via Expo Glade
Upper Milk RunAdvancedOpen
Upper Northwest PassageAdvancedOpen
Upper River QuaiAdvancedOpen
Upper U.N.AdvancedOpen
Ski Patrol
Guest Services
Shuttle Service
Retail Shop
Terrain Park
Shakedown ParkTerrain ParkOpenGroomed
Intermediate Glade
BushwackerIntermediate GladeOpenGroomed
Bushwacker serves as a wonderful introduction to glade skiing and riding, and its gentle slope offers the option of cruising a groomed trail running throughout the glade or creating your own path in the trees. This glade begins with a fairly steep pitch, then levels off gently on to Ullrs’ Dream run-out. Bushwacker is a great warm up before exploring steeper glades.
Doe WoodsIntermediate GladeOpen
Unlike Moonwalk and Bushwacker, this new glade has no groomer path through it. The easy, mellow pitch of Doe Woods serves as a great place for your first true woods experience.
Full MoonIntermediate GladeOpenGroomed
With the lowest degree of difficulty, Moonwalk is an excellent place to begin exploring the trees. Choose from Full, Half and Quarter Moons; the First being the most difficult, with the second and third progressively easier. This is an adventure
for all ages and ability levels.Half MoonIntermediate GladeOpenGroomed
With the lowest degree of difficulty, Moonwalk is an excellent place to begin exploring the trees. Choose from Full, Half and Quarter Moons; the First being the most difficult, with the second and third progressively easier. This is an adventure
for all ages and ability levels.Quarter MoonIntermediate GladeOpenGroomed
With the lowest degree of difficulty, Moonwalk is an excellent place to begin exploring the trees. Choose from Full, Half and Quarter Moons; the First being the most difficult, with the second and third progressively easier. This is an adventure for all ages and ability levels.
Advanced Glade
Andre's ParadiseAdvanced GladeOpen
Arguably one of the best glades at Jay, André’s is further in from the Beaver Pond entrance. It starts with slightly steep, narrow chutes that open to an expansive glade. The beauty and the terrain is stunning. Eventually these woods lead to a groomed run-out connecting with Ullrs’ Dream and Kokomo.
*André’s Paradise is the ski area boundary, and venturing past the ropes could get you seriously lost, especially if you hike up the long trail on the way to Black Falls. (If these names are unfamiliar, don’t look for them.)Beaver PondAdvanced GladeOpen
A Jay Peak must-ski, Beaver Pond’s entrance can be intimidating, but eventually levels out, opens up, and—most would agree—offer the most beautiful, flowing, scenic lines on the mountain.
Bonaventure GladeAdvanced GladeOpen
Known as ‘‘Bonnie Glade’’ to the locals, it offer small, uniform moguls with a beautiful consistent pitch and comfortable, open trees. Folks of all abilities love this glade.
Buckaroo BonzaiAdvanced GladeOpen
A moderately mellow glade with an open feel to the trees, this is a great lower mountain glade for many levels of skiers and riders.
Buck WoodsAdvanced GladeOpen
This often-overlooked glade seems steep from its entrance, but it mellows out after the first four turns. Still, surprises are in store. Keep an eye out for rocks and drops to play on from top to bottom.
Canyon LandAdvanced GladeOpen
A long glade with a challengingly playful mix of terrain, Canyonland takes its name from the large gullies that form natural halfpipes throughout the trail.
DeliveranceAdvanced GladeOpen
Ranked among the most di cult of Jay’s glades, Deliverance doesn’t disappoint. With three steep chutes making up the entrance, the open lines will be a welcome sight in the bottom half of this challenging glade.
EvergladeAdvanced GladeOpen
Located next to Staircase and accessible off of Alligator Alley, Everglade consists of steep and narrow chutes at the upper section, funneling into a slightly open finish out to Ullr’s Dream.
Expo GladeAdvanced GladeOpen
Expo Glade is one of Jay’s few glades with a steep, constant pitch. It’s fast and fun, but its open trees make it accessible to skiers and riders of many abilities. And it always seems to deliver great snow.
Hell's WoodsAdvanced GladeOpen
One of the locals’ favorite glades, Hell’s Woods can be tricky to enter, but it’s well worth the trouble. Once you’re in, it opens up and mellows out. The short but expansive ride requires repeat runs to explore the entire glade.
Kitz WoodsAdvanced GladeOpen
Kitz Woods starts with tight trees at the entrance and opens to a steep, fun-flled run. The glade finishes where Hell’s Crossing meets lower Northway.
North GladeAdvanced GladeOpen
Hands down one of the most beautiful glade runs at Jay, North Glade is a great run that holds snow for days and days. With its rolling terrain and open feel, many skiers make sure they cross this one off the list day after day.
Show-Off GladeAdvanced GladeOpen
Similar to Bonnie Glade, but with a steeper pitch, Show-O Glade challenges skiers and boarders. Be sure you’re making your best turns; you’ve got an audience overhead.
StaircaseAdvanced GladeOpen
Staircase consists of three rocky, steep and narrow chutes that eventually flow to an open glade as the pitch levels off, making this one of Jay’s most challenging runs.
Stateside GladeAdvanced GladeOpen
This mild glade has a constant intermediate grade with a short and steep pitch near its end. From there it opens to more flat terrain with some of Jay’s most beautiful woods skiing and riding.
The Face ChutesAdvanced GladeOpen
Jay’s most extreme run, the Face, commands respect from those who attempt it. It’s on the top of many skiers’ and riders’ checklist a per a snowstorm. If you can handle it, you’ll be out of breath at the bottom and telling your friends about this one for days.
TimbuktuAdvanced GladeOpen
Off the Jet Triple chair and running along the boundary of the resort, Timbuktu’s expansive terrain and sustained pitch makes it a perennial favorite among the Raised Jay.
Tuckerman's ChuteAdvanced GladeOpen
Recommended only for the most expert of skiers and riders, Tuckerman’s is a short and thrilling ride, and is called a chute for a reason. Tight turns on steep terrain is what you’ll and here. Save this one for when both your legs and the snow are fresh.
ValhallaAdvanced GladeOpen
Considered heaven to Viking warriors, this powdery steep glade is many locals’ favorite. With its steep, deep and tight terrain you’ll feel like you entered heaven on this run. Valhalla begins with a series of steep chutes that open up and offer some high level glade skiing and riding.
VertigoAdvanced GladeOpen
This is exciting glade is accessed from the top of Can Am via two possible entrances. Beginning with a single chute, it quickly splits into four steep fingers. Vertigo is off the beaten path and therefore often overlooked, but this is one of the most challenging glades at the resort.
Aerial Tramway
Moving Carpet
Jet Triple9:00am - 4:00pmTripleOpen
Local favorite accessing the more challenging terrain on Stateside.
Bonaventure Quad9:00am - 4:00pmQuadOpen
Upper mountain lift accessing both Stateside and Tramside terrain.
Flyer Quad9:00am - 4:00pmQuadOpen
High speed detacheable quad.
Metro Quad8:30am - 4:00pmQuadOpen
Lower mountain lift on Tramside. Also accessing connector trail to Stateside.
Taxi Quad8:30am - 4:00pmQuadOpen
Lower mountain quad chair accessing beginner terrain on Stateside.
Aerial Tramway
Aerial Tram9:00am - 4:00pmAerial TramwayOpen
Vermont's only Aerial Tram
Village Double8:30am - 4:00pmDoubleOpen
Best for beginners, the lower mountain chair accessing some of the best learning terrain on the mountain.
Moving Carpet
Stateside Carpet8:30am - 4:00pmMoving CarpetOpen
Tramside Carpet8:30am - 4:00pmMoving CarpetOpen
ArcadeClips & Reels ArcadeArcade
LOCATION: Mountain Kids Adventure CenterDESCRIPTION: We now have 2 arcades on property. This one is located on Stateside in the new Clips & Reels Recreational Center. The other, the Elevation 1851' Family Arcade, is located on Tramside adjacent to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark.. Take your pick of either location to burn an hour pre or post-ski or -waterpark or -climbing gym or -movie.ArcadeElevation 1851' Family ArcadeArcade
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION: We now have 2 arcades on property. This one, the Elevation 1851' Family Arcade, is located on Tramside adjacent to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark. The other is located on Stateside in the new Clips & Reels Recreational Center. Take your pick of either location to burn an hour pre or post-ski or -waterpark or -climbing gym or -movie.-
BarBullwheel BarBar
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: A bar offering après (or anytime, really) drinks, that is big enough to jam a bus (our first shuttle) a Bullwheel (of T bar fame) and views of the mountain like you’ve never seen. Plus, the go-to location for apres ski music on most Fridays and Saturdays through the winter.BarThe DrinkBar
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION: 86-degree temperatures, cold beverages and big views of the local surfing community—The Drink delivers a little bit of summer all year long. Beer on tap, dueling blenders, and a list of frozen concoctions designed to help you forget about any chilly winds that may blow outside, The Drink also provides a front row seat of the Pump House, four flat screen HD televisions and direct sight lines of the borderline enormous 16 foot television located above the Double Barrel surfing wave.BarTower BarBar
LOCATION: Tram Haus LodgeDESCRIPTION:This unique Tramside aprés ski spot makes you feel as though you haven’t stepped inside—you’re sitting on old chairlift towers and wheels from the Green Mountain Chair, and the large windows give you an unobstructed view of the ski area. This is the perfect place to grab a beer with friends or catch an evening game on one of the bar’s several TVs. Dine on huge burgers, wings and a variety of fun pub food like steak sandwiches, lobster mac and cheese and chorizo tacos.
ChildcareStateside JaycareChildcare
LOCATION: Mountain Kids Adventure CenterDESCRIPTION: For kids ages 3-12.ChildcareTramside JaycareChildcare
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: For kids ages 6 weeks to 35 months.-
Coffee Shop
Coffee ShopAroma CafeCoffee Shop
LOCATION: Tram Haus LodgeDESCRIPTION:Enjoy fresh baked pastries and treats grab-and-go style, just steps away from the base of the Metro Quad. The coffee and espresso menu will energize you for a long day on the mountain, and a maple bacon doughnut is the perfect feel-good bite to start your morning.
Coffee ShopBuddy's Mug Coffee ShopCoffee Shop
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION: Former Mountain Operations Manager Buddy Loux liked coffee as much as the next guy and more than most. It's in his honor we've named our Hotel Jay coffee shop. From good ol’ black coffee to speciality brews, Buddy’s Mug will help you wake up on the right side of the bed. Stick with a croissant or splurge on a dessert-for-breakfast treat.-
Customer Service
Customer ServiceStateside Customer Service & Ticket BoothCustomer Service
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Located on Stateside on the ground level of the Baselodge.
Customer ServiceTramside Customer ServiceCustomer Service
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Located in Tramside on the ground level of the Baselodge.
Indoor Ice Arena
Indoor Ice ArenaThe Ice Haus Indoor ArenaIndoor Ice Arena
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: Offering Public Skate and Stick & Puck hours. Also available for camps, tournaments and private events.-
Indoor Waterpark
Indoor WaterparkThe Pump House Indoor Waterpark
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION: The Jay Peak Pump House indoor waterpark is a place for well-earned leisure. A place to experience the mountain when the mountain may have beaten you momentarily. But it's also more than just a place to relax, it's a chance to catch a different thrill on the slides, shoot hoops and climb rocks in the activity pool, and test your skill on the Flowrider. Non-water activities in the 1851' Family Arcade, The Warming Shelter, the Wave Surf Shop and the drink ensure every moment is saturated with satisfaction. It is the much deserved complement after a day of skiing, or vice-versa.-
Nordic Center
Nordic CenterFat BikingNordic Center
LOCATION: ClubhouseDESCRIPTION: A full-service bike shop is located in the Golf Clubhouse and Nordic Center with all of the essentials for winter riding. Stop in to purchase trail passes, get your bike tuned, or just to hang out and have a coffee.Nordic CenterNordic Ski & Snowshoe CenterNordic Center
LOCATION: ClubhouseDESCRIPTION: Jay Peak’s Nordic Center offers everything you need for a great day on the trails. Explore right from the clubhouse on nordic skis, in both classic and skate, snowshoes or fat biking in a peaceful setting.-
Recreational Center
Recreational CenterCarvedRecreational Center
LOCATION: Mountain Kids Adventure CenterDESCRIPTION:When our snow, surf and fairways aren’t enough to keep your heart rate pinned, look to Carved Fitness, located inside the Hotel Jay and Conference Center, to keep you rolling.
Recreational CenterClips & Reels Indoor Climbing FacilityRecreational Center
LOCATION: Mountain Kids Adventure CenterDESCRIPTION: Clips & Reels offers a 142-seat cinema draught house (READ: a place where you can watch a movie and drink a beer,) an arcade that skews toward the virtual reality world, and a Clip ‘n Climb facility that offers plenty of fun and challenging climbing elements.Recreational CenterClips & Reels Movie TheaterRecreational Center
LOCATION: Mountain Kids Adventure CenterDESCRIPTION: Clips & Reels offers a 142-seat cinema draught house (READ: a place where you can watch a movie and drink a beer,) an arcade that skews toward the virtual reality world, and a Clip ‘n Climb facility that offers plenty of fun and challenging climbing elements.-
RentalStateside Rental ShopRental
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Located on Stateside on the top level of the Baselodge, adjacent to the Bullwheel Bar.
RentalTramside Rental & Repair ShopRental
LOCATION: Tram Haus Lodge-
Ski & Ride School
Ski & Ride SchoolMountain Kids Adventure CenterSki & Ride School
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Kids ski & ride school.
Located on Stateside, it is the red building before you get to the Stateside Hotel & Baselodge.
Ski & Ride SchoolStateside Ski & Ride School DeskSki & Ride School
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Lessons and clinics for people ages 13+.
SpaTaiga SpaSpa
LOCATION: Tram Haus LodgeDESCRIPTION: At the Taiga Spa we focus on looking and feeling better. It might mean facials, manicures and pedicures, but it will almost definitely include the hands-on massage treatment that cures the little reminders of your day’s adventures.-
Ticket Booth
Ticket BoothStateside Ticket BoothTicket Booth
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeTicket BoothTramside Ticket BoothTicket Booth
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Located in Tramside on the ground level of the Baselodge.
Ski Patrol
Ski PatrolJet Triple Ski PatrolSki Patrol
LOCATION: Top of the Jet TripleDESCRIPTION:First aid station. Ski Patrol: (802) 327-2187
Ski PatrolSky Haus Ski PatrolSki Patrol
LOCATION: Sky Haus at the Tramside summitDESCRIPTION:First aid station. Ski Patrol: (802) 327-2187
Ski PatrolStateside Ski PatrolSki Patrol
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:First aid station. Ski Patrol: (802) 327-2187
Ski PatrolTramside Ski PatrolSki Patrol
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:First aid station. Ski Patrol: (802) 327-2187
Shuttle Service
Shuttle ServiceJay Peak Shuttle ServiceShuttle Service
LOCATION: Shuttle-
LOCATION: Parking Lot-
Food/DrinkAlice's TableFood/Drink
LOCATION: Tram Haus LodgeDESCRIPTION:Alice's Table is named after Alice Lewis who worked at Jay Peak from 1956-1968. A little fancier but just as welcoming as the namesake woman who became a legend for her hospitality. Enjoy local ingredients as you take in spectacular views of the mountain, Tramside lifts and ski trails. This sunny Tramside eatery is perfect for savoring rich flavors, celebrating special occasions and sharing meals with family.
Food/DrinkClips & Reels CafeFood/Drink
LOCATION: Mountain Kids Adventure CenterDESCRIPTION:Follow up on your climbing session at the new Clips Cafe, with a savory variety of apps, sandwiches and pizza.
Food/DrinkHowie's DinnerFood/Drink
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:When you sport the name of our late, long time Food and Beverage Director and local sportsman Howard Johnson, you can bet on stick-to-your-ribs food served hot and fast. Make the most of your quick lunch break or more leisurely dinner with classic comfort foods, like special recipe meatloaf and other homey recipes.
Food/DrinkIce Haus Snack Bar & CafeFood/Drink
LOCATION: Ice Haus ArenaDESCRIPTION:Enjoy beer, wine and the best popcorn on the mountain at our Ice Haus Snack Bar but that’s just for starters. McKenzie Hot Dogs, enormous burgers and lunch specials round out our snack bar menu (with big sandwiches, candy and ice cream to boot) all inside our heated snack bar.
Food/DrinkMiso HungryFood/Drink
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:Authentic ramen noodles and broth are ladled into bowls brimming with Vermont ingredients. For best results, slurp your soup directly outside the resort’s tram car-turned-food cart.
Food/DrinkMountain Dick's PizzeriaFood/Drink
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION:We've named the region's best pizzeria after former lift attendant extraordinaire Mountain Dick Lucier. Mountain Dick's offers speciality pizzas, calzones, subs, pasta and has a full beer and wine license.Nothing quite satisfies that post-waterpark hunger like a good slice of pizza.
Food/DrinkProvisions General StoreFood/Drink
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:The Jay Peak Provisions General Store offers everything you'll need for your stay and then some. Inside you will find groceries, wine and a walk-in beer cave as well as our full service deli for fresh meats and cheeses, subs, salads and pasta dishes. Beyond food items, Provisions is stocked with Jay Peak apparel, outerwear and other useful gear.
Food/DrinkSky Haus DeliFood/Drink
LOCATION: Sky Haus at the Tramside summitDESCRIPTION:Lunch with a view (unless the Jay Cloud has anything to say about it). Warm up with hot soup and chili, sandwiches, bacon-wrapped hot dogs and more.
Food/DrinkStateside CafeteriaFood/Drink
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:The Stateside Cafeteria serves up daily hot specials and Vermont favorites, like poutine.
Food/DrinkThe Clubhouse GrilleFood/Drink
LOCATION: ClubhouseDESCRIPTION:Looking for a change of scenery? A trip down to the golf course and Nordic Center wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Clubhouse Grille. There, you’ll enjoy the spiciest food Jay has to offer, with authentic Mexican-themed dining.
Food/DrinkThe Foundry Pub & GrilleFood/Drink
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION:Sink your teeth into a cheesy flatbread at The Foundry Pub and Grille, best known for its marquee ceramic oven. This casual restaurant also boasts a large selection of smoked wings and American-style smoked meats and vegetables.
Food/DrinkThe Warming ShelterFood/Drink
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION:Named after the first snack shack at Jay Peak, we figured it'd suit our Pump House Indoor Waterpark Snack Bar fine. The Shelter offers up a wide range of sandwiches, chicken fingers and fries, pizza, ice cream and soft drinks all designed to keep appetites at bay long enough for another drop on La Chute.
Food/DrinkTramside CafeteriaFood/Drink
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION:This is not your average cafeteria. Grab all your favorites, like burgers and mozzarella sticks, or hop in line for our action station.
Retail Shop
Retail ShopThe Gear ShopRetail Shop
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: The Gear Shop is your headquarters for everything ski and ride related. From the latest Burton snowboards, to a complete selection of Rossignol, Volkl, Salomon, Black Diamond, Line and DPS skis, The Gear Shop is your source for expert advice and friendly service. We offer Masterfit endorsed, full-service boot fitting for a precise comfortable fit.Retail ShopThe Ice Haus Pro ShopRetail Shop
LOCATION: Ice Haus ArenaDESCRIPTION: Look to the Ice Haus Pro Shop for all your hockey needs. From a wide range of on-ice gear to logo'd commemortive sweatshirts, t-shirts and hats, we've got you covered.Retail ShopThe Mountain ShopRetail Shop
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION: Carrying the latest selection of lifestyle clothing and cold weather accessories, The Mountain Shop is the only place to find brands like Patagonia, Horny Toad, Prana, Canada Goose, Orage, Analog, and Arc’teryx.Retail ShopThe Wave Surf ShopRetail Shop
LOCATION: Hotel Jay & Pump House Indoor WaterparkDESCRIPTION: The Wave has a full selection of swimwear from Quiksilver, Roxy, Lole and Patagonia. Suits starting at $20.00. Pick up your Pump House and Jay Peak gear here as well.-
HotelHotel Jay & Conference CenterHotel
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: Choose from 176 accommodations ranging from 2 person king rooms to a wide selection of suites featuring duvet comforters, flat screen HD TVs, and WiFi. Located on Tramside, the Hotel Jay houses the Pump House Indoor Waterpark, is steps from the Tramside lifts, and just across from the Ice Haus Indoor Arena. You'll have easy access to The Foundry, Mountain Dick's Pizzeria, Buddy's Mug and all the Tram Haus Lodge amenities are just a short walk away.HotelStateside HotelHotel
LOCATION: Stateside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: The 85-room Stateside Hotel & Baselodge offers skiers and riders ski-in, ski-out access to Stateside and the most affordable on-mountain lodging at the resort. Your stay includes unlimited shuttle service to the Pump House, Ice Haus Arena and other resort attractions.HotelTram Haus LodgeHotel
LOCATION: Tramside BaselodgeDESCRIPTION: The Tram Haus Lodge offers a mix of studio, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites all appointed with locally made fixtures, Johnson Woolen Mill blankets, kitchenettes or full kitchens, air conditioning, fireplace, flat screen HD televisions, WiFi, free guest lockers, valley or mountain views and walking distance to our Aerial Tram, and Tramside lifts. You’ll also have easy access to Alice’s Table Restaurant, The Tower Bar, Aroma Café and Taiga Spa-just downstairs.
Snow Report
- Tuesday February 11 at 7:46 AM
February 11th | 7:46 AM
Breezy and cold again today with snow showers throughout the day. Wednesday is still looking like the midweek pick, with calmer winds and sunshine ahead of Thursday's storm. Check for TK's weekly outlook a little bit later on today to see how this storm (and Sunday's) is shaping up.
2-4" of a refresh in the past 24 hours, 9/9 lifts, and our accessible terrain is 100% open. The thickly-laden trees and glades could be works of art, especially when the sun hits them just right. Does it get any better than this? We think not, but don't take our word for it- come see for yourself.
Freezing theirs to save yours. Yesterday was International Ski Patrol Day, and no one deserves more kudos than our team of highly-trained and passionate patrollers. Our snowmaking season wrapped up last Thursday, so when you're skiing in a t-shirt in May, #ThankASnowmaker. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make us who, and what, we are. Everyone on our mountain ops teams works hard each day (and through the night) to bring you our off-the-chain terrain parks, straight lines of corduroy, and the quality day of shredding you come to expect from a day at Jay Peak.
Deals & Discounts:
- Tickets are still available for The Mallett Brothers w/ special guest Rigometrics on Saturday, Feburary 15th in the Foeger Ballroom.
- Vermonters, we know you don't mind the cold, but through February 14th we've got a special waterpark deal just for you if you want to trade the boots for flipflops. Save on day passes to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark with current proof of residency.
- We're less than a month away from the greatest show on snow. Registration is open until February 28th for the sixth annual Real to Steel. This combo freeride and freestyle event combines some of our toughest terrain with our most technical park for one big showdown, and the stakes are high with over $20,000 in prizes from sponsors Never Summer, Rossignol, and Vans.
Uphill Travel: Open to the summit on the Ullr's and Montrealer routes. PSA from Patrol that uphill travel on the Vermonter is only open on days the Tram is not running.
Conditions and operations status are always subject to change. Make sure you're keeping it tuned to the Snow Report so you're always in the know.
- Last 24 Hours
- 2 " / 2 "
- Past 48 Hours
- 14 "
- Season Total
- 289 "
- Base Depth
- 36 - 85 "
- Open Trails
- 81 / 81
- Open Lifts
- 9 / 9
- Terrain Parks
- 3 / 3
- Primary Surface
- Powder
- Secondary Surface
- Packed Powder
- Groomed
- 44 / 81
February 11th | 7:46 AM
Breezy and cold again today with snow showers throughout the day. Wednesday is still looking like the midweek pick, with calmer winds and sunshine ahead of Thursday's storm. Check for TK's weekly outlook a little bit later on today to see how this storm (and Sunday's) is shaping up.
2-4" of a refresh in the past 24 hours, 9/9 lifts, and our accessible terrain is 100% open. The thickly-laden trees and glades could be works of art, especially when the sun hits them just right. Does it get any better than this? We think not, but don't take our word for it- come see for yourself.
Freezing theirs to save yours. Yesterday was International Ski Patrol Day, and no one deserves more kudos than our team of highly-trained and passionate patrollers. Our snowmaking season wrapped up last Thursday, so when you're skiing in a t-shirt in May, #ThankASnowmaker. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make us who, and what, we are. Everyone on our mountain ops teams works hard each day (and through the night) to bring you our off-the-chain terrain parks, straight lines of corduroy, and the quality day of shredding you come to expect from a day at Jay Peak.
Deals & Discounts:
- Tickets are still available for The Mallett Brothers w/ special guest Rigometrics on Saturday, Feburary 15th in the Foeger Ballroom.
- Vermonters, we know you don't mind the cold, but through February 14th we've got a special waterpark deal just for you if you want to trade the boots for flipflops. Save on day passes to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark with current proof of residency.
- We're less than a month away from the greatest show on snow. Registration is open until February 28th for the sixth annual Real to Steel. This combo freeride and freestyle event combines some of our toughest terrain with our most technical park for one big showdown, and the stakes are high with over $20,000 in prizes from sponsors Never Summer, Rossignol, and Vans.
Uphill Travel: Open to the summit on the Ullr's and Montrealer routes. PSA from Patrol that uphill travel on the Vermonter is only open on days the Tram is not running.
Conditions and operations status are always subject to change. Make sure you're keeping it tuned to the Snow Report so you're always in the know.